In the film "Stardust," an archetype that is vividly seen is The Lover. The Lover is someone who's romantic and charismatic, they have this inner force that pull people in with their personality. Lovers often face obstacles that result in miscommunications when they're trying to purse a lover. The main character, Tristan, is indeed a lover. In the beginning of the film he believe he loves Victoria. He sets out on this journey to cross the Wall and bring her a fallen star to make her fall in love and ask for her hand in marriage. As the course of his journey begins, he meets the fallen star that happens to be a beautiful young lady by the name of Yvaine. Tristan's initial instinct was to tie her up and make her cross the Wall and take her to Victoria as a gift. As they both begin to head to their direction, they run into numerous obstacles.
wannabe kings and witches are following them. They want to rip Yvaine's heart out in order to have immortality because eating a star's heart results in to eternal life. While they're trying to escape, Tristan and Yvaine get to know each other. Yvaine is constantly asking questions about Victoria and he soon comes to the terms that Victoria is nothing but materialistic and superficial. He then starts falling in love with Yvaine and she with him. Lovers tend to be attractive and Yvaine was trying to do that exactly, when she started gaining feelings for him and trying to look more feminine. In the end, Tristan and Yvaine both saved each other from the obstacles that followed them both. Their love was strong enough to fight for each other. They ended up ruling a kingdom happily together.
I picked this one also, it s easy to see the lover in Tristan as his journey is due to the love for Victoria. Good explanation.